Hidden Gems of the Day

We had been on the road for hours with a few more to go until we reach the sactuary of home. We’re tired. The baby is sleeping soundly in his carseat and it’s just my man and I. We finally have uninterrupted alone time now graced with silence.

“We should talk,” he says. I agree but I also find it hard to connect on a deeper level when sleepiness has imposed on my functionality. Also where do we start and what do we talk about? ( can anyone else relate to this?)

I begin scrolling purposefully through the list of “200 Questions for Couples” trying to find good questions while skipping the bad to ask in an attempt to spark a fun conversation.

The best and most connective conversations happen in their own time and way and rarely are they in response to a question online but it’s where I started and several questions in we found ourselves in a conversation free from online props. I don’t know how we got there but it was one of the questions I asked my husband that sparked my thinking. How would you answer the following question?

What are some things you look forward to each day?

“Hmm. I tend to think of an event as something to anticipate. I never really thought about looking forward to certain parts of my day.” I muse aloud as I began thinking about my answers. Life and the daily duties often become well… normal but maybe I do subconsiously look forward to moments throughout my day without giving it too much thought.

Things like:
eating breakfast with my husband before he heads off to work
getting my son up in the morning and dressing him for the day
Being rewarded with big smiles and coos from my little man.
Welcoming my husband home after a day at work.
A cup of black coffee.
Devotions while the baby naps.
My baby’s naptime.
Checking and watering my plants
Watching my husband play with Jackson and see them interact
Giving my baby his bath
Strolling to the post office to check our mail

Yes, I am blessed to have so many reasons to rise each day with anticipation and a purpose.

Now it’s your turn.
Make a list, physical or mental, and see what moments in your day you anticipate. Dust off these hidden gems and see them for what they truly are and you just might begin to realize anew what a wonderful life you live!

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